Tuesday, October 21, 2014


this is just a simple post..to share about my ootd of course :p
thanx hubby be my unpaid photographer 

I posted this photo at instagram, and lot of my friends said that I reduce some weight..haha..
dear, I wish I am..but naah..still the same portion, maybe the black..
thank u black :p

close up of the light quilted jacket..i love the texture and the abstract printed at this jacket.simple and nice.

and this is my emma_for_gbk shawl in orange carrot color.
try to layered my shawl in drape but have to admit that I'm still learning..
and this kind of style is not really suit me.
I'm a active person, who walk really fast sometimes, and want everything quick..
I do love a tidy instead of messy.
but for the photoshoot like this, messy style look good and more 'hijabista'

oh kay..so my entire look

chiffon shawl : emma_for_gbk (instagram)
black sleeveless dress : h&m 
light quilted jacket : mango
bag : LV Epi Marly in soft pink..thanx b!!
watch : fossil

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